Application Process

Thank you for your interest in Write Choice Early Learning Centre. Choosing a child’s first school is a very important decision in a family’s life and we hope this information will help you make that decision with ease.

What is the admission process?

The admission process is made up of four steps. It’s designed to help you make an informed decision on enrolling your child with Write Choice Early Learning Centre.

Step 1

Take a tour of Write Choice Early Learning Centre with your child.  Let your child get comfortable in the surroundings.  Find out more about our programs and all the fabulous things that our school has to offer.   Call the school at 604-475-3181 to book a school tour.

Step 2

After the school tour, you may complete the application form.  You have (3) choices to submit the application form; drop off at the school, mail, or fax.  You are also required to submit a $50 non-refundable application fee either in person or by mail.  Please make cheque payable to “Write Choice Early Learning Centre”.   DO NOT MAIL CASH. 

Step 3

Once the application form and application fee have been submitted to the school, Write Choice Early Learning Centre will confirm availability.

Step 4

Following confirmation of enrolment, your child will start school following a Gradual Entry process.

Special Notes:  To avoid being on a long waiting list, be sure to register your child well before your desired start date!
